Thursday, January 31, 2008

V (2)

Since the terrorist of 9-11 ran the planes into the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and attempted to run one into the White House, the line between our safety and our freedom has thinned out a lot. As citizens we have all these rights that the government gives us. Also we still want to be safe. In all actuality, we, as citizens mess these things up. We take advantage of our rights sometimes or other people can mess them up as well, such as the terrorists.

A guy with a mask on shows this in a movie, V for Vendetta. His name is V. In my opinion, V represents the arguments between the government and the citizens of London. He presents a means to an end argument in his speech. In V’s speech, he comes across as understanding, candid, earnest, accusatory, and confident. Throughout his speech, he tries to make citizens of London realizes what’s going on in their own country. Many are oblivious to what the government is doing. The people who do realize are upset about it and just pout about it. However at the end of the speech, after he got the attention of everyone, he offered an idea or solution to fix it.

V blew up the Old Bailey showing the ethos of the situation. He is being superior to the government. V understands that the people didn’t do anything showing logos, because the High Chancellor Adam Sutler promised things to them that have gotten way out of control. V took control using ethos trying to catch the citizens of London’s attention. V’s convincing speech could be considered as evaluation and forensic if you look at what he says in parts. He blames the Chancellor but mostly the citizens of London. They let things get this bad. The people also are having a hard time deciding whether it is the right or wrong to go against their own people.

The fine line between safety and freedom depends solely on the people of the country. You can always depend on it. If something happens that makes people feel unsafe like the activities of 9-11, you can bet there will be some change.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

All About Me (1)

Let me think! I am Jodi. I am a junior at EA. For a 16-year-old, I like to hang out with my family. They are crazy but I still love them. Reading is one thing I love to do in my free time. I enjoy laying around in my bed all day watching movies. These are just a couple of things that I like to do.

Most of the time my attitude is positive. However, sometimes if I begin to get too stressed or upset, I tend to want to just blow up at the world. My personality is similar up to my attitude. My personality I would describe as caring, strong, worrier, and outgoing.

As for my goals of life, I don’t really know what I want to do after high school. However my goals for life in high school, is to graduate in at least the top 20. Thinking about goals after life in high school, I am thinking about going to ULL and becoming a pharmacist.

As I mentioned above, I enjoy hanging out with my family. I am, of course, a daddy’s girl. My dad will do anything for me. My mom and I used to not get along sometimes but it's getting better. When we do get along and have fun, I feel like I am hanging out with one of my friends. My brother and I are starting to grow closer now that we are both maturing. Along with hanging out with my family, I like to hang out with friends too. My best friends, that are pretty much sisters to me, are Devon and Megan. Through fights and everything we are still friends. Some of my other friends are Courtney and Papi. My boyfriend of two years, Jeremy, is there for me whenever I need him.

That is just a little about me. Catch ya later!
Jodi Lynn