Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Goldent Compass (12)

Some people believe that when filmmaker, directors, and screenwriter make a movie it is for a reason. Unless the movie is documentary, that might be a different story. The movie is primarily for entertainment. The Golden Compass is a prime example of this. Some people say that the movie attacks Christianity. The author of the first book of three, Philip Pullman, wrote the book to entertain people and to make money. If anything he was implying what may happen to the world and Christianity if we found something that was like dust. I do not believe that he wrote this book just to cause turmoil between religions.

I have not read the book yet but I believe since I watched the movie I would like to read the book. Mr. Hughes said that the director of the movie watered down what was in the book that was concerning Christianity and the church because he figured this would happen. I am really curious about the difference between the book and the movie. Like I said before though I am really interested in this series now that I have seen the movies. It got me interested in the series, so it should be interesting how everything turns out.

Friday, May 16, 2008

What the future holds for me?

When we were little we all had dreams of becoming a doctor, a teacher, or even a lawyer. Once we got into high school we HAD to know what we wanted to after we graduated. Well since then I know I have changed my mind many of times. As of right now, after I graduate, I plan to go to University of Louisiana at Lafayette with one of my best friends and one of her friends from Dutchtown. We will leave in an apartment very close to school. I am going to get a degree for pre-pharmacy. After 4 years at ULL, I plan on going to University of Louisiana at Monroe to become a pharmacist. These are my career plans.

Every little girl has there fantasy of having a big wedding with family and friends. Right now I have a boyfriend. We have been dating for almost two and a half years. If we are still together when I go to college, after I am in there for a while, we will probably take our relationship to the next level. What is that level? I don’t know right now. But after I get married I plan to have 2 to 4 kids. That’s really all I have thought about so far.